Под общей ред. В. Н. Платонова

В 2 т. Язык русский. Переплет. 1 т. — 732 с. 2 т. — 684 с. Формат 60 х 90/8.
Издано совместно с НОК Украины.

В первом томе изложена история развития древнегреческой цивилизации, описаны зарождение, развитие и упадок Олимпийских игр, попытки возобновления и возрождение их, формирование олимпийского движения.

Платонов В.Н.

Мова українська. Обкладинка. 184 с.
Формат 60 х 84/16.

Навчальний посібник. Рекомендовано Міністерством освіти і науки України.

У навчальному посібнику описано загальні принципи і методи біохімічних досліджень. Дано характеристику і методику підготовки матеріалів для біохімічних досліджень та характеристику тестових навантажень, що використовуються в процесі біохімічного контролю.


Мова українська. Палітурка. 216 с.
Формат 70 х 100/16.

Навчальний посібник. Рекомендовано Міністерством освіти і науки України.

У навчальному посібнику розглянуто різні аспекти механізму розвитку та виникнення спортивної травми, клінічної та сучасної інструментальної діагностики, консервативного та оперативного лікування і профілактики.


Мова українська. Палітурка. 488 с.
Формат 70 х 100/16.

Підручник. Допущено Міністерством освіти і науки України.

У підручнику викладено сучасні погляди на процес реабілітації, подано стислу характеристику хвороб і ушкоджень, обгрунтовано з клініко-фізіологічних позицій необхідність використання засобів фізичної реабілітації у відновному лікуванні.

Мухін В. М.

Мова українська. Обкладинка. 144 с.
Формат 60 x 84/16.
Навчальний посібник для студентів вищих навчальних закладів фізичного виховання і спорту. У навчальному посібнику висвітлюються питання застосування гімнастичної термінології, принципи утворення термінів, правила їх побудови та умовних скорочень, наведено основні команди, що використовуються під час проведення занять з фізичного виховання.


В 2 кн. Перевод с англ. Язык русский.
Переплет. Кн. 1 — 662 с., кн. 2 — 598 с.
Формат 60 x 90/8. Цветные иллюстрации.
В учебнике, состоящем из двух книг,
представлена всеобъемлющая информация, объединяющая фундаментальные и прикладные знания по анатомии и физиологии. В первой книге описаны структура человеческого тела, скелетная и мышечная системы, проанализированы системы интеграции и контроля.


Язык русский. Обложка. 135 с.
Формат 70 x 100/16.
Учебное пособие. Рекомендовано Министерством образования и науки Украины. В учебном пособии рассматриваются методические особенности проведения занятий по хореографии с гимнастками, в большом объеме предлагается практический материал, содержащий различные позиции и положения тела, прыжки, повороты, равновесия, а также уроки хореографии на разных этапах многолетней спортивной подготовки.

Сосина В. Ю.

Перевод с англ. Язык русский. Обложка. 208 с.
Формат 70 x 100/16.
Эта книга является настольной для лиц, страдающих остеопорозом. Она дает возможность принять участие в укреплении опорно-двигательного аппарата, помогает определить уровень риска, выбрать лучшие упражнения для укрепления костной системы, улучшения показателей мышечной силы, мобильности и равновесия; снизить потери костной ткани и вероятность падений благодаря правильно подобранному сочетанию двигательной активности, специальной диеты и лекарственной терапии.

Уинтерс-Стоун К.

Язык русский. Переплет. 640 с. Формат 60 x 90/8.
В книге рассмотрены фундаментальные положения общей фармакологии применительно к фармакодинамике и фармакокинетике лекар ственных препаратов, спортивно-медицинские аспекты их применения при физических нагрузках. Обоснована идея коррекции факторов, лимитирующих спортивную работоспособность с помощью биологически активных веществ.



Год издания  
Количество страниц  
Номер ISBN  
70 x 100/16

Язык русский. Переплет. 136 с. Формат 70 x 100/16.
Издано по заказу НОК Украины. В научно-популярном издании изложены воспоминания выдающегося спортсмена, чемпиона трех Игр Олимпиад, обладателя 97 медалей (64 золотые, 22 серебряные, 11 бронзовых), завоеванных на Олимпийских играх, чемпионатах мира, Европы, СССР, кавалера Олимпийского ордена Бориса Анфияновича Шахлина.

Автор делится опытом и представлениями о специфике гимнастики на основании своего многолетнего практического опыта как гимнаста, педагога, судьи высокой квалификации, приводит спортивно-методические основы подготовки гимнастов.
Для тренеров, спортсменов и всех тех, кто интересуется спортом.

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СБ, 12/03/2016 - 07:08 — factorystorez

THE RUMOR: The San Antonio Spurs may try to trade LaMarcus Aldridge during the 2016-17 season.REPORTED BY: ESPN's Jackie MacMullan, appearing on CSNNE.com's Early Edition. DETAILS: MacMullan said sources told her the experiment with Aldridge has not worked out like the Spurs hoped. According to the San Antonio Express-News, the belief is the Spurs pitched Aldridge on becoming the star Stephen Curry Jerseys of their offense in 2015, and with the rise of Kawhi Leonard, that hasn't happened, frustrating both sides. LAST SEASON: In the first season of a four-year maximum contract, Aldridge averaged 18 points, 8.5 rebounds while shooting 51 percent from the floor. OUR TAKE: With the aging Pau Gasol, Tony Parker and Manu Ginobili, Moncler Jackets a slight rebuild for younger talent is viable option for the Spurs. The problem is, the veterans aren't going to like wasting time and losses as their NBA career comes to a close. Aldridge does have a player option for the 2018-19 season that he's likely to opt out of, so the Spurs are Stephen Curry Shoes in sound position to trade the big man now with two seasons left on his deal. If things head south, look for the Phoenix Suns to headline possible suitors as the Suns head coach Earl Watson played with Aldridge in Portland in 2013-14. It took until mid-October with a bit of influencing from Russell Westbrook Jerseys LeBron James, but the Cleveland Cavaliers finally re-signed guard J.R. Smith.According to ESPN, Smith and the Cavs have come to terms on a four-year, $57 million deal. Smith, 31, reportedly declined the team's offer of an estimated $10-$11 million earlier in the offseason after opting out of the second year of a deal that Derrick Rose Jerseys was set to pay him $5.3 million in 2016-17. He averaged 12.4 points, 2.8 rebounds, 1.7 assists, and hit 204 3-pointers in 77 starts for Cleveland.James made it clear in September he wants Smith back in the fold. “It’s just too big of a piece to our team to have to deal with (the Canada Goose Jacket contract situation) in another training camp," James said, via Cleveland.com. "Like I said, hopefully things get resolved fast, because you know how big and important he is to our team.”The "another training camp" situation James was alluding to was Tristan Thompson, who missed all of last year's training camp in a contract dispute but Custom NBA Jerseys came to a deal Oct. 22, 2015.McCollum has built on his big season last year, and continues to improve, averaging 22.3 points and shooting 44.5 percent from the 3-point line. Harkless has done well with a bigger role, averaging 12.4 points on 50.0 percent shooting. But Leonard and Crabbe have shown little to Warriors Team Store justify their payouts, each keeping Blazers brass waiting for that elusive breakout year. Ezeli, signed as a bargain because of a bum knee, has yet to play as he comes back from a knee procedure.Turner, meanwhile, has been a bad fit at both ends of the floor. According to NBA.com/stats, Turner has a plus/minus Klay Thompson Jerseys of minus-9.2, the worst in the league among those who have played half their team's games. Turner was a Sixth Man of the Year candidate in Boston last year but has not found a productive role in Portland.So it’s not just a slow start that should have the Blazers worried. It’s that they might Stephen Curry Jerseys well have bought high on players who are reverting to their career norms. The Blazers didn’t necessarily overpay for the guys they signed, given the flurry of big-number contracts last year; Crabbe’s $75 million deal was offered by the Nets but matched by the Blazers, for example. The problem is that they paid for Paul George Jerseys more than one guy who had been on an upward trajectory but has taken a bad turn in the first quarter of this season.That’s led to projections about what the Blazers should do next. They need to address their problem up front, because Portland is now the fifth-worst rebounding team in the league (47.8 Anthony Davis Jerseys rebounding percentage). But the starting backcourt of Lillard and McCollum, as good as it is offensively, is weak defensively, and Portland has allowed the most 3-pointers per game this year (9.9). That puts pressure on the rest of the defense to cover the holes.There has been chatter — purely speculation at this point — Canada Goose Outlet that the Blazers could pursue 76ers big man Nerlens Noel or even Kings center DeMarcus Cousins. But Olshey has a reputation around the league as particularly cautious with personnel, and it is hard to imagine him overhauling the young group he’s put together in order to Band-Aid this team’s weaknesses, especially with Aminu out. Lebron James Jerseys Even if he wanted to, the Blazers’ assets are a mixed bag at best, and CBA rules would make the youngsters getting big raises tough to trade in the short term. Don’t expect kneejerk reactions, even if the Blazers continue to struggle to find their footing.Knicks point guard Derrick Rose was cleared of Golden State Warriors Jerseys liability on rape allegations in a Los Angeles civil court on Wednesday.A former girlfriend had sued Rose and two of his friends, alleging that they drugged and sexually assaulted her at her apartment in August 2013 after a night of partying at a Beverly Hills house Rose was renting. Rose said the sex was Custom NCAA Jerseys consensual, and orchestrated by the accuser.The jury — six women, two men — reached unanimous verdicts on each of the defendants, and on each of three allegations: trespassing, sexual battery and battery. All three men were cleared on all three charges.No jail time was at stake for any of them; Rose's accuser was seeking Jimmy Butler Jerseys more than $21 million in damages.The trial, which lasted two weeks, was often ugly and contentious. Tuesday's closing arguments show that; Rose's lawyer called the accuser "not a real rape victim," and her lawyer called it "a classic incident of gang rape." Everyone, depending on who was doing the talking, was lying, and with Kevin Durant Shoes no physical evidence on either side, the jury's job was difficult.Consent was at the heart of the case; the accuser said she was too intoxicated to give legitimate consent. Rose's side, even though he himself couldn't define the term, used sexual texts from the accuser earlier in the day to back up their claim. Kobe Bryant Jerseys The relationship between the two, they said, was sexual and non-exclusive.According to the accuser, she'd been drinking before she went to Rose's house and quickly became drunk once she'd arrived; she believed that the men had slipped something into her drink, and said she only remembered "flashes" from the rest of the night.Deliberations lasted Kristaps Porzingis Jerseys a few hours. Rose's accuser has the right to appeal the verdict.So many players from the 1980s don’t like the way players conduct themselves now, whether it was Durant’s decision to leave Westbrook to join forces with the Warriors or how Malone described how many interact with each other. They loathe the pre-game Joel Embiid Jerseys love-fests. So they can relate to Westbrook, scowling and driven and only best buddies with his teammates. Jordan has been impressed to the point where traveled to Oklahoma City earlier this month to help induct him into the Oklahoma Hall of Fame.“When I watch him play,” Jordan said at the dais, “I see a Moncler Sale lot of resemblance of his passion for the game of basketball, the way I played the game of basketball.”The highest praise used to be directed at Rose, back when he could explode to the basket, play above the rim and do so with reckless abandon. The Bulls took him with the No. 1 overall Cleveland Cavaliers Jerseys pick in a year when the Heat had the worst record in the NBA but had loser’s luck and slid to No. 2 in the lottery. The night he saw his chances for the player he craved go by the boards, Pat Riley was livid with how the drawing turned out. He took Michael Beasley second overall.No, he didn’t see Westbrook coming, no more than Canada Goose Sale anyone did, except for Oklahoma City’s Sam Presti.As Riley had to make-do with Beasley's on- and off-court issues, Rose became the next big deal. In his third season, with a lot of help from then-coach Tom Thibodeau, he carried the Bulls to 62 wins, more than LeBron James’ Miami Heat, and the No. 1 seed in the Eastern Conference. The following season, Rose had the first of three major knee injuries. And other point guards, including Westbrook, began passing him.“It’s all legs, Moncler Outlet man,” Rose said last week, tracing his decline. “You have one injury, and that kind of resets everything. Let alone you have three. … This entire time, these three or four years, I’m playing catch-up.”It’s virtually an impossible task given the competition and what the point-guard position means to the NBA today. You lose Cheap NBA Jerseys a step and suddenly you’re trying to chase down 10 better players.He’s doing it in New York because the Bulls were done with Rose. Back in 2011, it seemed impossible that the hometown kid would ever fall out of favor. But he did, whether it was because the Bulls didn’t want to go through Kevin Durant Jerseys his civil trial for rape with an ex-girlfriend; or because they knew it was time to turn the team over to Jimmy Butler. He’s also a free agent in July, and there’s been talk that the Bulls didn’t want to give him a new max deal. So the last thing they wanted was to Lebron James Jerseys have him around all of this season, with so much talk about whether they’d give him the money he craves — and probably will get from the Knicks, provided he has no setbacks with his knees.The Knicks rolled the dice on Rose in a low-risk, high-reward trade with the Bulls last summer. Phil Jackson Chris Paul Jerseys felt he could part with Jerian Grant, Robin Lopez and Jose Calderon, none of whom was moving the needle in New York.If he stays upright, Rose could get Jackson and the Knicks back to the playoffs. So far, Rose has been what Jackson is looking for: a proven playmaker who can get to the James Harden Jerseys basket when he is not getting the ball to Carmelo Anthony and Kristaps Porzingis. Rose still is ball-dominant, and there’s an inherent risk in that in a contract year. And while he may never have the same explosion that he was known for before his knees failed, the fact remains that Knicks fans have Carmelo Anthony Jerseys not seen a premier talent at the position since Walt Frazier more than 40 years ago.That brings us back to Monday's matchup. Rose and Westbrook once were changing the position, the leaders of a hyper-athletic, bigger new breed of point guards that also included John Wall and Kyrie Irving, the two point guards taken Lebron James Shose first overall in the three years after Rose. Rose and Westbrook had the same natural cross-conference rivalry of LeBron James and Carmelo Anthony, perhaps even more equal in talent.That version of the rivalry is gone. A new one could begin now, though, if Rose does what Anthony always seems to and makes it his NBA Jerseys mission to meet Westbrook with his best efforts every time, twice a year. Even if he doesn't, Rose will continue to be the leader for a surging Knicks team. And Westbrook probably will keep putting up near-triple-doubles.Right now, Derrick Rose is perfect for New York.He’s just not Russell Westbrook.With the international basketball season Kyrie Irving Jerseys tipping off and only about one month remaining until the start of college basketball, we’re inching closer to 2017 NBA Draft season. But who do you need to watch? Which players do fans of the 76ers, Lakers and Celtics have to keep their eyes on this season in both in college hoops and abroad?Following Cavalier Steam Shop a 2016 NBA Draft viewed as mostly weak, the 2017 draft is loaded with potential all-star talent. It’s seen as possibly the strongest draft near the top of the lottery since 2008, when Derrick Rose, Russell Westbrook and Kevin Love were top-five picks. This draft’s strength, like that one’s, is owed to a stacked Cheap NCAA Jerseys freshman class regarded not only as terrific at the top, but also deep with talent that should continue to pay dividends over the next few years. That strength at the top of the class is reflected on this board, where 11 of the top 13 players are now freshmen. Part of that has to Ben Simmons Jerseys do with simply the strength of this class, but another part has to do with the decision of many players last year to take advantage of the weak draft and try their luck. Because of that — and a strong newly eligible international class — only eight of the 30 players listed here played Kyrie Irving Jerseys in the NCAA last season. That would be a record low in terms of college returnees selected in the first round, but expect a new set of players such as Brice Johnson, Denzel Valentine and Pascal Siakam to break out this season.That’s why this preseason top 30 should be seen more as a guide Kevin Durant Jerseys than a definitive statement of where these players will be selected. Information over a larger sample size is the most powerful evaluation tool out there, and we’re about to learn plenty more about these kids in the coming months. With that being said, slide right through this look at my preseason big board, ranking Kyrie Irving Shoes the top prospects for the 2017 NBA Draft.
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